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"These illuminating stories present loving solutions to problems threatening the Earth, helping us remember our inner light. Arch Angels, unicorns, faeries, animals, and constellations of stars grace the pages of this book in bright illustrations and playful dialogue. Reading these stories at bedtime is sure to summon better dreams for parents and children alike." -- Cynthia Sue Larson, author of "Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity"


“Luminaries,” by Tracy Simpson, is a truly delightful read. Filled with enchanting drawings and a positive message, the anthology of stories will not only inspire and charm the reader, but also wrap the reader in a blanket of love and fantasy. The world that Ms. Simpson creates is bold, adventurous and spellbinding. Struggles of good and evil, aliens, fireflies, faeries and even a talking unicorn enrich the captivating world of “Luminaries.” It’s a fantastic read for kids or for the kid in you. 
Jeff Stolhand - Writer, Director, Producer (


So many great messages in this book! These stories are great conversation starters for my son and I around love, feelings, friendship, and taking care of our earth! Really good stories and pics!

Squeaky Moore - One Woman, Many Faces, One Creator, Many Talents

Author of “#100 Pitches: Mistakes I’ve Made So You Don’t Have To” (Available at Amazon)

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